Ordering prints is done while browsing images in any of the galleries on the site.

Click on a gallery from the home page to view a grid of images in that gallery. Click on any image in the gallery to open the full screen image viewer.

While you are viewing images, there should be a sidebar on the right that shows the ordering options available for each print. If that sidebar is not visible, or you have previously closed it, just click on the shopping cart icon near the bottom left of the screen to open the sidebar again.

Within the sidebar, choose the quantity of any print sizes that you wish to purchase, and then make sure that you click the “Add To Cart” button, or the “Update Cart” button if you already have any items in your cart.

From the same sidebar you can click on the “View Cart / Checkout” button to view and edit your cart and then complete the checkout process. You can also close the image view and go to the cart at any time by clicking on the “Shopping Cart” link in the main menu.

You must fill out your name and address information on the Cart/Checkout page, and then click either the “Pay with PayPal” button, or the “Pay with Credit Card” button (Stripe). If you use PayPal, a PayPal hosted pop-up window will open for your payment information. If you choose to pay with credit card via Stripe, you will be directed to a payment page that is hosted by Stripe. All payment information is handled via the respective payment processing company. I never see any of that info, as you are entering it directly to PayPal.

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